Irony: My Article on Remission Published Just as My Cancer Returns

About Elephants & Tea

Elephants and Tea is an incredible resource, geared towards adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, survivors and caregivers. Yet, no matter what your age this company offers guidance to all those affected by cancer.

Its main mission is to let us know we are not alone!

“The Elephant in the room is cancer. Tea is the relief conversation provides.”

Elephants and Tea is the only magazine written for and by the AYA cancer community. It was founded by Angie and Nick Giallourakis. Angie is the mother of three sons – Phil, Nick (co-founder) and Steven.

The Story Behind Elephants and Tea

From their website:

Steven has beat two different cancers at ages 15 (stage 4 osteosarcoma) and 18 (secondary AML). Steven was cancer free for 10+ years until September 2019 when he received the news that he has not one but two new cancers. One is a secondary cancer due to the treatments from his osteosarcoma treatments when he was 15 (Sarcoma) and the other new cancer is a primary cancer on his kidney (renal cell carcinoma). Steven is currently going through treatments and surgery was scheduled for February 12th, 2020 to remove the Sarcoma tumor from his back.

Steven is the inspiration for launching Elephants and Tea. As a family, the Giallourakis’ have seen the struggles Steven has gone through as well as others dealing with cancer his age either as a patient or a survivor.

Over the past 13 years Angie and Nick have been involved as advocates against AYA cancer and childhood cancers. Angie has been to Washington D.C. several times to lobby for addition funding for research to cure all of the cancers that affect youngsters and young adults.

My Article Featured in Elephants and Tea

I cannot escape the irony that my article, discussing my “new vision on remission“ was just published as I prepare for my ninth surgery on October 9 due to cancer metastasizing into my lymph nodes and the parotid gland, an almost unheard of diagnosis for ependymomas!

I am extremely proud and humbled that the article was published to begin with, yet it comes at the strangest possible time. I was cancer-free for just over five years and now I am facing another extremely rare and frankly extremely frightening diagnosis.

First, I ask anyone reading this to:

“Remission: A New Perspective”

Also, Check out My Article: “Remission: A New Perspective” on Elephants and Tea

Thank you, Elephants and Tea , for everything you do for those affected by cancer and for your support through this challenging time! ❤️

Lastly, please send good vibes, positive thoughts, rain dances and/or prayers – (I take them all) for not just me, but all my loved ones and those rooting for me. This upcoming surgery is very complex, not as if the others have been easy. However, it involves not only removing my tumors but also reconstructing my face. It’s very serious. Honestly though, I hope I don’t wind-up looking like Quasimodo!

Poor Quasimodo
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